The Bristol Channel Yachting Association (BCYA) is comprised of member clubs and affiliates that have a connection with sailing on the Bristol Channel. Membership is at top level, meaning organisation membership covers all club members and berth holders who are part of that organisation.
The BCYA is the second largest yachting association in the UK after the RYA and is a recognised consultee for all regulatory bodies on matters associated with The Bristol Channel. We will take up the case of member organisations on request.
The BCYA runs a number of events each year including the Welsh Coast Rally and the English Coast Rally. These are major events with significant on shore attractions for participating crews. Three key features set these events apart 1. No entry fee 2. Free drinks reception 3 Discounted berthing.
The BCYA recognises the Bristol Channel Yachtsperson Of The Year and the Bristol Channel Club Of The Year with two spectacular trophies presented annually in an awards ceremony at the Welsh Coast Rally.
The BCYA produces an annual events calendar for the Bristol Channel to encourage wide participation
The BCYA publishes a yachting and cruising guide to the Bristol Channel “The Blue Book” incorporating chart lets and information regarding various clubs, ports and marinas as well as contact details which are updated regularly. (See our shop page)